Our Story

In 2017, during prayer, OlaDele Okuwobi felt the words “Go! Build boats unto salvation. Go! Build my Church” impressed on his heart by the Spirit. With that command, He resigned from his associate pastorate at Peoples Church Cincinnati after serving faithfully from July 4, 2005, to May 2017.

Not knowing how the Lord would lead him next, through a series of signs and wonders, on June 1, 2017, he was offered an open door to work with Dr. Mark Deymaz as the strategic development pastor at Mosaic Church of Central, Little Rock. 

Through a series of events while serving as the strategic pastor at Mosaic Church, he began to seek wisdom and direction on whether to remain in full-time vocational ministry. On May 25, 2018, he felt the words (again) “I want my church back. Go! Build boats onto salvation. Go! Build my Church.” At that moment, a deep love for the Church was seated in him forever. He held those words close to his heart as he continued to seek God’s clarity.

The meaning of “Build My Church” is still unfolding; however, he understands those words as the commission to embrace the work to “Go! and build My Church,” i.e., God’s people.

He was obedient to the commission by moving back to Cincinnati to establish a spiritual community; to that end, on September 20, 2020, 23 adults had the first official church gathering of 21st Century Church, a community for those thirsting for more–an extension of the mandate.

To continue in obedience to the commission, on January 2023, he undertook the work to establish Wonder Association to make disciples of all nations who reimagine Christianity based on the founder’s intent to be a tangible reality of God’s inaugurated Kingdom in this age.

The mandate of Wonder emanate from the commission and will not be established by luck or accident; there will be a cost to pay. That cost will differ for each person who joins or partners with this work; however, the reward will be priceless in this age and the next in Jesus’ name and to the Glory of God the Father.




The Sevenfold Way of Wonder

Full Gospel

We believe God's work unfolds through various Christian movements, each contributing unique strengths and perspectives that illuminate the transformative power of the Full Gospel: salvation, healing, sanctification, righteousness, justice, the indwelling Holy Spirit, and more. Inspired by this richness, we harness the goodness within christian movements, gleaning their strengths while acknowledging areas for growth. Wonder Fellowship embraces the rich tapestry of Christian traditions and diverse expressions of faith, forging a unique path for the 21st-century Church while honoring historical perspectives.

Love & Unity

We believe in a community grounded in truth, righteousness, and justice, actively combating all forms of bias that seek to elevate one person or group as better than another. Therefore, we celebrate the inherent beauty of God's people in all their richness. We recognize the sacredness of ethnicities, cultures, and diverse socioeconomic backgrounds within the body of Christ. This shared humanity is the essence of the "One New Humanity" we strive to embody without commoditizing the presence of the minority.

Shared Glory

Our pursuit of "Shared Glory" lies in the collective experience of achieving positive outcomes and blessings through our mandate, collaboration, resource sharing, and building genuine connections. This approach thrives on shared values, purpose, and a commitment to working together to provide answers and solutions. It fosters deeper connections and a sense of community and ultimately contributes to a more righteous, just, and peaceful world.

Prophetic Apostolic Imagination

Prophetic Apostolic Imagination is a unique approach to leadership that integrates divine revelation, strategic thinking, and creative problem-solving to anticipate future needs and challenges. Inspired by a vision for a better future, this prophetic and apostolic leadership style empowers individuals and organizations to co-create innovative solutions that transform communities and contribute to a more just and peaceful world.


By engaging our communities through our “works of service" and practical solutions, we address their needs while demonstrating the Gospel's transformative power. This collaborative approach builds people up, energizes them with a tangible sense of God's presence and care, and awakens individuals to their potential to contribute to a more just and peaceful world. We co-labor with Jesus to empower people to experience the reality of God's power at work in their lives.


We believe innovative approaches are crucial for building a tangible reality of God's kingdom in the 21st century. We embrace the creative potential of individuals and organizations within our network, encouraging them to explore unconventional solutions and challenge traditional thinking. Wonder Association is committed to fostering a culture of bold imagination.

Religious Orders

This distinctive revolves around creating dedicated groups called the "Wonder Religious Orders." These orders comprise ministers (also called developers) with prophetic and apostolic gifts who feel called to a deeper alignment with the Wonder Fellowship's mandate. They aim countercultural, emphasizing righteousness, justice, and collective action. These ministers work in Apostolic Teams, collaborating with evangelists, shepherds, and teachers to fulfill the Wonder Fellowship's vision.

Seven fold Way

These seven guiding principles, woven together by alignment around the mandate, are the essence of Wonder Association. They define our approach to building a tangible expression of God's kingdom in the 21st century. Rooted in scripture and driven by a bold vision, the Sevenfold Way invites you to explore a transformative journey, co-creating a thriving church and community of service alongside Wonder.

Five Guiding Principles

We believe the Bible is relevant for all of life and guides our teachings on faith and living; it is not culturally regressive; on the contrary, it is a dynamic text that speaks to each generation, inviting us to apply its core principles in ever-evolving contexts. We emphasize studying and applying scripture while guarding against false teachings that harm individuals and communities. In interpreting the Bible, we acknowledge its Jewish roots and the valuable insights of Jewish scholarship. We strive to learn from church history while remaining grounded in the richness of both Jewish thought and Christian historical context.

A lifelong journey of transforming our thoughts and actions to align with God’s truth and purpose.

A present and future reality of God’s rule and redemption, gradually unfolding in the world

God’s multiethnic, multicultural community called to embody Jesus and proclaim the Kingdom of God in all aspects of life.

 Rooted in the understanding of the church as a dynamic movement, “Movemental DNA” comprises six core elements written by Allen Hirsch (Jesus is Lord, disciple-making, mission, apostolic environment, organic systems, communitas). These core elements fuel transformative Christian movements, equipping individuals and communities to actively live out their faith and contribute to the ongoing movement of God in the world.

Core Values

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At Wonder Association, trust is not a passive state but an active journey; It is both earned and given, a continuous process built through consistent, reliable actions and interactions within our apostolic teams. Every positive or challenging interaction presents an opportunity to strengthen or rebuild trust. We acknowledge that trust can be broken but are firmly committed to restoration.

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At Wonder Association, respect extends beyond mere courtesy. It's the foundation for meaningful connection, built on compassion, understanding, and valuing the inherent dignity of every individual. We believe that respect is not solely earned but actively offered, even in the face of differing viewpoints or challenging situations. The saying goes, "We speak honestly, challenge respectfully, and trust fiercely."

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At Wonder Association, we believe honor transcends mere behavior. It's the recognition, celebration, and appreciation we show each other, embracing our differences as one in Christ. This core value cultivates the reality of God's Kingdom, fostering joyful, fruitful relationships that propel us towards His greater glory. Like safety in construction, honor in service is essential for sustaining God's work individually and collectively.

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Collaborate and align your strengths and expertise to achieve the common goal. Measure the results of your initiatives and share them with the fellowship to sustain this alignment.

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Constant Learning

Learn new skills and knowledge on an ongoing basis.

It starts with the Wonder within you.

“…Nor will they say, ‘Look, here it is!’ or ‘There!’ for behold, the kingdom of God is in the midst of you.”

-Luke 17:21

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